Nokia C32 smartphone

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Nokia C32

Take stunning low-light shots while embracing a luxury look and feel.

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Nokia C32

From HMD - makers of Nokia phones

We don’t always know where the day will take us. But, with a 3-day battery life,¹ Nokia C32 is ready to go on that journey with you. And when the sun sets, its rear dual camera is on hand to capture more light and deliver stunning Night mode shots. Through it all, its luxurious glass back and beautiful accent details are a treat for the eye and for the palm of your hand.

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    Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Variations on offering may apply. Check local availability. All specifications, features and other product information provided are subject to change without notice. Images are for illustrative purposes only.

    ¹ The 3-day battery testing was conducted using a real-life usage test by HMD Global. The test included active usage of a device for 5 hours per day with a new battery. Usage included e.g. gaming, video streaming, calling, sending sms, browsing and using apps (such as social media, news, navigation and music). The test was conducted with normal device settings in a lit indoor environment. The device was left on standby overnight.