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This phone is no longer available. If it’s a tough smartphone you want, check out the newer HMD XR21.
Designed for the long run. Built to look good through life’s rough and tumble.
Nokia XR20
Від компанії HMD - виробника телефонів Nokia
Nokia XR20 is designed for the long run. A phone that can stand up to anything life throws at it – and look great doing it. With an ultra-solid case and the toughest display glass we could find, it’s scratch-resistant, drop-resistant, temperature-resistant, water-resistant and kid-and-pet-resistant. It also comes with up to 3 years of OS upgrades and 4 years of monthly security updates¹, so your phone will be up to date into 2025. And because you’ll be using it longer, it’s better for the environment.
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Android is a trademark of Google LLC. Variations on offering may apply. Check local availability. All specifications, features and other product information provided are subject to change without notice. Images are for illustrative purposes only.
¹ From the global launch date of Nokia XR20.