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Retro style. Modern features.

These Nokia feature phones are reimagined for today, but maintain their vintage look and feel.

What we all know and love

Nokia retro phones bring vintage and modern together. Reviving the designs of some of the earlier Nokia phones, they’re familiar and easy to use. And because they’re made with today’s essentials in mind, you can enjoy that nostalgic feel without compromising on the features you want, like 4G tethering capabilities – use your retro phone as a hotspot for WiFi on the go.


Batteries that stand the test of time

If there is one thing retro phones do best, it’s battery life. Charge one up and you’re good for up to 24 days stand-by time and 19 hours of talk time. And because the modern Nokia retro are reimagined for today, they charge using USB cables that are readily available.

Shop Nokia 3310 

Fun is never out of fashion

If there is one thing retro phones do best, it’s battery life. Charge one up and you’re good for up to 24 days stand-by time and 19 hours of talk time. And because the modern Nokia retro are reimagined for today, they charge using USB cables that are readily available.

Shop Nokia 5710 XA

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