Nokia C12 Pro
利用前後置相機的強大「夜間」與「人像」模式拍照,再透過令人驚嘆的 6.3 吋 HD+ 顯示屏,盡情欣賞美照。
最新省電功能帶來更持久的電池續航力,配合最新的安全性與私隱功能,另加上 2 GB 虛擬記憶體¹ 和八核心晶片組合,呈獻更卓越的性能。
Nokia C12 Pro
From HMD - makers of Nokia phones
是時候昇華體驗了。利用前後置相機的強大「夜間」與「人像」模式,捕捉珍貴時刻,再透過極致迷人的 6.3 吋 HD+ 顯示屏,重溫美好回憶。配備效率出色的最新軟件,呈獻最新安全性功能,兼可提升電池續航力、更有效善用背景的流動數據和儲存空間。這款手機更採用堅固可靠的設計,配備防塵、防濺² 和意外墜落³ 保護,足以承受日常使用中最嚴苛的可靠性測試。
舒適握持的手機,配以 6.3 吋 HD+ 顯示屏。
Nokia C12 Pro combines octa-core processing power and an additional 2 GB of virtual memory,¹ helping to run your apps smoothly. It’s tough too – it’s been tested again and again to ensure it holds up against the knocks of everyday life.
6.3 吋 HD+ 顯示屏完美呈現影片與應用程式內容,配備自拍鏡頭瀏海,盡享特大畫面。一切盡在可單手舒適握持的手機之上。
Nokia C12 Pro is made for modern times – and that includes the design. With its sculpted rear with metallic finish and a 3D pattern for a better grip, it boasts a look that’s modern today and timeless tomorrow. And being a Nokia smartphone, it’s been tested over and over again and comes with better durability against dust, moisture² and accidental drops.³
Taking advantage of the latest battery saving features and streamlined software, Nokia C12 Pro delivers all-day battery life,⁴ hours of talk time or weeks of standby.
Nokia C12 Pro comes with less bloatware to give you more storage for your own things. What’s even better, it also uses less unwanted background data to make your mobile data plan go further.
Nokia C12 Pro comes with up-to-date Android 12 (Go edition) that empowers you with a faster, more seamless experience, optimized to save space. You also get smart suggestions and shortcuts that help you do more, and more visibility into and control of how you share information on your device.
Android 是 Google LLC 的商標。
¹使用記憶體擴充功能(虛擬 RAM)須配合充足的儲存空間。為保護儲存裝置,當達到使用量上限的 90% 時,記憶體擴充功能將自動永久停用。此情況可能在 4 年頻繁使用後出現。
² IP52 防塵保護兼有限異物防護,阻隔有害沉積物,亦可防禦最大垂直 15 度直接濺水。
³ 以第三方引導式自由落體測試 (IEC 60068-2-31) 的結果為基礎,與 IDC 4Q21 75 美元至 125 美元價格範圍中最暢銷的型號比較。
⁴ 全日電池續航力測試透過 HMD Global 的實際使用測試進行。測試包括每日頻繁使用置有新電池的裝置 5 小時。當中用法包括玩遊戲、影片串流、撥打電話、傳送短訊、瀏覽和使用 App(例如社交媒體、新聞、網站瀏覽及音樂)。在光照室內環境下以普通裝置設定進行測試。裝置通宵處於待機狀態。