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Dray Walk Gallery | 09 November

Nokia phones bring you The Museum of Unnatural History

What, when and where?

In case you missed it, here’s what happened at the Museum of Unnatural History, a future-gazing event brought to you by Nokia phones that took a unique look at the problem of e-waste.

Switching bones for phones, the museum presented e-waste as artefacts in the same way you would expect to see relics excavated from historical sites today.

Each artefact was carefully crafted and inspired by the latest data on e-waste.

The event marked the launch of Circular, our new subscription service for Nokia phones and tablets, which rewards people the longer they keep their phone and considers the whole lifecycle of the device, helping to keep them out of landfill for longer.

Circular subscription service

Tackling e-waste by re‑thinking phone ownership

Smartphones contribute to 12% of global e-waste, with a vast number ending up in landfill every year1. At the museum, every artefact you’ll see is inspired by the latest data on e-waste to help visualise the problems that e-waste can create.

Circular is the subscription service that gives you access to some of the latest Nokia devices and supports environmental causes. When you’re done with the device, we’ll ensure that it gets donated, reused or recycled instead of going straight to the landfill.

Choose your device

Lucy Siegle Tips: HMD Global

Think in circles: The new green living

Sustainability expert and environmental journalist, Lucy Siegle, has partnered with HMD Global, the home of Nokia phones to share her top tips on how to create a more circular lifestyle.

‘Many people feel that their lives are awash with stuff. From textiles to vacuum cleaners to kids toys. Things break and fall out of use very quickly. Some feel like they are addicted to the new – from upgrades to fast fashion. They want to do something about it but don’t always know the best steps forward.’

The Circular Economy – where materials are kept in constant use for maximum efficiency – should offer householders a lot more opportunity to design out waste. But the truth is that we are a long way off having circular lifestyles that are low in waste and impact.

Indeed, new research shows that almost half (47%) of the UK do not know how to recycle their mobile phone and other e-waste in the home. However, Lucy thinks that by focusing on key areas, anyone can start to think in circles – making them better equipped to sort out the ‘waste’ they’ve already got, consume smarter in the future and live with the lightest of impacts.

Here are Lucy’s five ways to get started:

1. REUSE AND RECYCLE: Pass it on

E-waste often ends up in landfill, yet many electronic devices are resistant to decomposition. If you’ve got old tech lying around in that cluttered drawer, why not dive in and see if there’s anything that might still work? Instead of throwing your e-waste away, consider passing it on through helpful schemes such as Hubbub or to a friend who might be able to put it to good use.

2. SUSTAINABLE SERVICES: Consider savvy and sustainable subscriptions

There are lots of sustainable schemes where you have an option or incentive to hand over your device so it can be reused. A great example of this is Circular, a new subscription service by Nokia phones, which rewards people the longer they keep their phone and take full responsibility for the whole lifecycle of the device. So, you can now have all your information in one place for longer, with assurance that your data is safe and without the need for multiple devices - win-win!

3. MATERIALS: Consider what the items are made of when purchasing

Whether you’re buying a new phone or updating your wardrobe it is important to consider the materials that these are made up of so that they have a better chance of being recycled. Approximately 65% of clothes today are made with polyester - a base of gas and oil - and

consumers are often made to believe by greenwashing that plastics are infinitely recyclable when they’re far from that. Fashion currently has an important leadership role to play in pioneering better fabric production. A number of fashion brands are already making great strides in this area, such as Candiani who are producing biodegradable jeans.

4. EVERYDAY HABITS: Make conscious consumer choices

Thinking about our everyday shopping habits is also important - this could be prioritising buying locally sourced food, cutting down on buying meat and dairy, and not buying things packaged or given in single use plastics. In terms of buying clothes, furniture or tech, it is good to consider investing in pieces that will last - so we can start keeping items that we have for longer.

5. REPAIR: Don’t be afraid to hit the toolbox

Instead of choosing to buy new when something is broken, it’s always worth checking whether it’s repairable first. You can learn how to do almost anything on the internet now and there are great tutorials which are easy to follow on YouTube so you don’t necessarily need to be a pro to give it a go. If you want a helping hand or don’t own the right tools, find out where your local Repair Cafe is. There are around 2,500 of these around the world with materials and equipment to do your repair, and expert volunteers on hand for any advice - one might just be on your doorstep!

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1 According to a 2021 report from Counterpoint Research: