Nokia 3.4 user guide

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Nokia 3.4


Camera basics

Take a photo

Shoot sharp and vibrant photos – capture the best moments in your photo album.

  1. Tap Camera.
  2. Take aim and focus.
  3. Tap panorama_fish_eye.

Take a selfie

  1. Tap Camera > to switch to the front camera.
  2. Tap panorama_fish_eye.

Take panoramas

  1. Tap Camera.
  2. Tap > Panorama.
  3. Tap panorama_fish_eye and follow the instructions on your phone.

Use Google Lens

With Google Lens, you can use the viewfinder of your camera to identify things, copy text, scan codes, and search for similar products, for example.

  1. Tap Camera.
  2. Tap .
  3. Point the camera to the thing you want to identify, and follow the instructions on the display.
Tip: You can use Google Lens with the photos you've already taken. Tap Photos, tap the photo, and tap .
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Enlaces útiles

Actualizaciones de softwareEspecificaciones completasPerfil ambiental
  • Keep your phone up to date
  • Keys and parts
  • Insert the SIM and memory cards
  • Charge your phone
  • Switch on and set up your phone
  • Dual SIM settings
  • Lock or unlock your phone
  • Use the touch screen
  • Camera basics
  • Videos
  • Use your camera like a pro
  • Your photos and videos

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