Nokia XR20 user guide

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Nokia XR20


Use the notification panel

When you receive new notifications, such as messages or missed calls, icons appear at the top of the screen.

To see more information about the notifications, swipe down from the top of the screen. To close the view, swipe up on the screen.

To change the notification settings of an app, tap Settings > Apps & notifications, tap the app name and Notifications.

Messaging notifications

You can prioritise your most important conversations. When you receive a notification about a new message, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap and hold the message and tap Priority > Apply. The conversation stays at the top of the conversations list, and the lock screen shows whether there are new messages in the prioritised conversation.

Use conversation bubbles

You can pin conversations so that they always stay on top of other apps as bubbles.

When you receive a notification about a new message, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap on the message. When there are new messages in the conversation, they pop up on the screen. To view the entire conversation, tap the bubble. To dismiss the conversation, tap any other part of the screen. If a bubble is in the way, just tap and drag it to another part of the screen. To remove the bubble, drag it down the screen to cancel. If you want to unpin the conversation, when you receive a notification about a new message in the conversation, swipe down from the top of the screen. Tap pin_end on the message.

Use the quick setting icons

Use the quick setting icons

To activate certain features, tap the quick settings icons on the notification panel. To see more icons, drag the menu down.

To rearrange the icons, tap mode_edit, tap and hold an icon, and then drag it to another location.

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