Nokia 105 (2017) user guide

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Nokia 105 (2017)


Add a contact

Save and organize your friends' phone numbers.

  1. Select Menu > > Add contact.
  2. Select where you want to save it, on Phone or SIM card
  3. Write the name, and type in the number.
  4. Select OK.
Tip: To save a phone number in the dialer, type in the number, and select Opt. > Save.

Save a contact from call log

You can save contacts from call log.

  1. Select Menu > > Received or Missed, depending on from where you want to save the contact.
  2. Highlight the number you want to save, and select Options > Save.
  3. Add the contact's name and Save.

Call a contact

You can call a contact directly from the contacts list.

  1. Select Menu > > Names and scroll to a contact you want to call.
  2. Select the contact and press the call key.
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