Korisnički vodič za telefon Nokia 3310 3G

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Nokia 3310 3G


Security settings

You can edit the available security settings.

Zaključavanje tipkovnice

Za automatsko otključavanje tipki odaberite stavku Izbornik > > Sigurnost > Zaštita tipkovnice > Auto zašt. tipkov., a zatim odaberite stavku Uključeno.

Use a security code

You can set the phone to ask for a security code. If there is a pre-set code, it is 12345. Change it to protect your privacy and personal data. Note, however, that when you change the code, you need to remember the new code, as HMD Global is not able to open or bypass it. This phone cannot be located or locked remotely if lost.

  1. Select Menu > > Security > Keyguard and switch Security code on.
  2. Enter the security code and select OK.
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Korisne poveznice

Ažuriranja softvera
  • Tipke i dijelovi
  • Postavljanje i uključenje telefona
  • Punjenje telefona
  • Zaključavanje i otključavanje tipki
  • Postavke sustava
  • Postavke povezivosti
  • Personalization settings
  • Time and language settings
  • Security settings

Set Location And Language