Nokia 6.2 user guide

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Nokia 6.2


Keys and parts

Explore the keys and parts of your new phone.

Your phone

Your phone

This user guide applies to following models: TA-1198, TA-1200, TA-1187, and TA-1201.

  1. Fingerprint sensor
  2. Camera
  3. Microphone
  4. Flash
  5. SIM and memory card slot
  6. The Google Assistant/Google Search key1
  7. Front camera
  8. Earpiece
  9. Headset connector
  10. Volume keys
  11. Power/Lock key
  12. USB connector
  13. Microphone
  14. Loudspeaker

Some of the accessories mentioned in this user guide, such as charger, headset, or data cable, may be sold separately.

Important: The device screen and back cover are made of glass. This glass can break if the device is dropped on a hard surface or receives a substantial impact. If the glass breaks, do not touch the glass parts of the device or attempt to remove the broken glass from the device. Stop using the device until the glass is replaced by authorized service personnel.

Dijelovi i priključci, magnetizam

Nemojte spajati na proizvode koji stvaraju izlazni signal, jer to može uzrokovati oštećenje uređaja. Ne povezujte nijedan izvor napona na audio priključak. Ako na audio priključak povežete vanjski uređaj ili slušalice, osim onih koji su odobreni za upotrebu s ovim uređajem, obratite posebnu pozornost na glasnoću.

Dijelovi uređaja su magnetski. Uređaj može privući metalne materijale. Nemojte ostavljati kreditne kartice ili druge kartice s magnetnim trakama u blizini uređaja na duže vrijeme jer može doći do oštećenja kartice.

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