Nokia 7.1 user guide

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Nokia 7.1


Insert or remove the SIM and memory card

Insert SIM and memory card

Insert SIM and memory card
  1. Open the SIM and memory card tray: push the tray opener pin in the tray hole and slide the tray out.
  2. If you have a single-SIM phone, put a nano-SIM card in slot 1 and a memory card in slot 2 on the tray with the contact areas face down. If you have a dual-SIM phone, put a nano-SIM card in slot 1 and either a second SIM or a memory card in slot 2 with the contact areas face down 1.
  3. Slide the tray back in the slot. Use only compatible memory cards approved for use with this device. Incompatible cards may damage the card and the device and corrupt data stored on the card.

Napomena: Ako imate telefon s dvije SIM kartice i samo jednom SIM ladicom, ne možete koristiti dvije SIM kartice i memorijsku karticu u isto vrijeme.

Remove SIM and memory card

  1. Open the SIM and memory card tray: push the tray opener pin in the tray hole and slide the tray out.
  2. Remove the cards.
  3. Slide the tray back in the slot.

Važno: Nemojte uklanjati memorijsku karticu dok je aplikacija koristi. Time možete oštetiti memorijsku karticu i sam uređaj te podatke pohranjene na kartici.

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Ažuriranja softvera
Početak rada
  • Keep your phone up to date
  • Keys and parts
  • Insert or remove the SIM and memory card
  • Charge your phone
  • Uključite i postavite telefon
  • Dvostruke SIM postavke
  • Setting up fingerprint ID
  • Zaključajte ili otključajte svoj telefon
  • Koristite dodirni zaslon

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