Nokia G50 user guide

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Nokia G50


Insert the SIM and memory cards

Insert the cards

Insert the cards
  1. Open the SIM card tray: push the tray opener pin in the tray hole and slide the tray out.
  2. If you have a single-SIM phone, put a nano-SIM card in slot 1 and a memory card in slot 2 on the tray with the contact areas face down. If you have a dual-SIM phone, put a nano-SIM card in slot 1 and either a second SIM or a memory card in slot 2 with the contact areas face down.
  3. Slide the tray back in.
Savjet: Kako biste saznali može li vaš telefon koristiti 2 SIM kartice, pogledajte naljepnicu na prodajnoj kutiji. Ako se na oznaci nalaze 2 IMEI koda, imate telefon s dvije SIM kartice.

Važno: Nemojte uklanjati memorijsku karticu dok je aplikacija koristi. Time možete oštetiti memorijsku karticu i sam uređaj te podatke pohranjene na kartici.

Savjet: Koristite brzu, do 512 GB microSD memorijsku karticu poznatog proizvođača.
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Get started
  • Redovito ažurirajte svoj telefon
  • Keys and parts
  • Insert the SIM and memory cards
  • Napunite telefon
  • Switch on and set up your phone
  • Dual SIM settings
  • Zaključajte ili otključajte svoj telefon
  • Use the touch screen

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