Get apps from Google Play
You need to have a Google account added to your tablet to use Google Play services. Charges may apply to some of the content available in Google Play. To add a payment method, tap Play Store, tap your Google logo next to the search field, and then tap Payment methods. Always be sure to have a permission from the payment method owner when buying content from Google Play.
Add a Google account to your tablet
- Tap Settings > Accounts > Add account > Google. If asked, confirm your device lock method.
- Type in your Google account credentials and tap Next, or, to create a new account, tap Create account.
- Follow the instructions on your tablet.
Preuzmite aplikacije
- Dodirnite Trgovina Play.
- Dodirnite traku za pretraživanje da biste potražili aplikacije ili odaberite aplikacije iz svojih preporuka.
- U opisu aplikacije dodirnite Instaliraj za preuzimanje i instalaciju aplikacije.
Kako biste vidjeli svoje aplikacije, idite na početni zaslon i povucite prstom prema gore s dna zaslona.