Nokia 5 用戶指南

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Nokia 5


插入或取出 SIM 卡和記憶卡

插入 SIM 卡和記憶卡

插入 SIM 卡和記憶卡
  1. Open the SIM tray and memory card tray by putting the provided tray opener into the holes next to the trays.
  2. Put the nano-SIM into slot 1 located on the tray with the contact area face down. If you have a dual SIM variant, you can either put a second SIM or a memory card into slot 2. If you have a single SIM variant, you can only put a memory card into slot 2.
  3. Slide the SIM and memory card tray back into place.1

Note: Your device does not support 5-volt SIM cards.

注意:如果手機是雙 SIM 卡版本但是只有一個 SIM 卡匣,則您無法同時使用兩張 SIM 卡和記憶卡。

Remove SIM and memory card

Open the SIM and memory card trays, remove the cards, and slide trays back into their respective slots.



  • 按鍵和組件
  • 插入或取出 SIM 卡和記憶卡
  • 為手機充電
  • 將手機開機並進行設定
  • 雙 SIM 卡設定
  • 設定指紋 ID
  • 將電話鎖定或開鎖
  • 使用觸控螢幕

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