Google Maps helps you find specific locations and businesses.
Tap Maps.
Enter search words, such as a street address or place name, in the search bar.
Select an item from the list of proposed matches as you write or tap searchto search.
The location is shown on the map. If no search results are found, make sure the spelling of your search words is correct.
See your current location
Tap Maps > my_location.
Get directions to a place
Tap Maps and enter your destination in the search bar.
Tap Directions. The highlighted icon shows the mode of transportation, for example directions_car. To change the mode, select the new mode under the search bar.
If you don't want the starting point to be your current location, tap Your location and search for a new starting point.
Tap Start to start the navigation.
The route is shown on the map, along with an estimate of how long it should take to get there. To see detailed directions, tap Steps.
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