of global 16-24s describe themselves as prone to anxiety2
We want to work together to help people feel better by creating the choices they need to find balance with their phones. Join us on this journey.
In the midst of ever increasing concern for global mental health, we are working with anyone who cares about tackling this serious issue to find solutions which help people achieve the balanced relationship with tech they want for themselves and their loved ones.
If you want to be part of this journey and creating a solution together, sign-up today to be part of the solution.
of global 16-24s describe themselves as prone to anxiety2
believe they spend too much time on social media2
We’re calling on all those interested to join us in co-creating a better phone, and other potential new solutions, that can help us with choice and finding balance with our wellbeing.
of parents wish they had waited longer to give their child a smartphone1
have concerns about their child’s phone use and impact on their mental health1
say mobile phone use has changed their child’s personality1
parents feel they have had to put together solutions themselves1
“It is a shame to see children can’t just live their lives without letting the world know where they are online. Smartphones are important and used by children to keep in touch, it’s how they communicate, it’s all online. However, I would like things to go back to being simpler and for parents to have more control.”
Alison Winsborough,
Assistant Principal at a school
and Mum of 12-year-old daughter
Let’s create a solution together. We are working with anyone who cares about tackling this serious issue to help us change the landscape and give everyone choice around mobile phone use.
1 Based on a study commissioned by HMD and conducted by Perspectus Global. 10,092 parents were interviewed, across 5 different countries, United Kingdom, the United States, India, Germany and Australia. The study was conducted in July 2024