HMD XR21 user guide

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Wet or dusty conditions

This device has been given a rating of IP68 for dust and water resistance based on tests done in standby mode under controlled laboratory conditions. This resistance is not a permanent condition, and may decrease as a result of normal wear.

Water resistance means resistance against cold, clean fresh water only. Do not expose the device to any other type of liquid, (such as sea water, soap water, pool water, detergent, acids or solvents, perfume, adhesive remover, hair dye, lotions, sunscreen or oil). Do not submerge the device in water. If the device has been exposed to water, wipe it off with a dry cloth. If it has been exposed to any other liquid, immediately splash some clean fresh water onto the device. Carefully wipe the device dry. Do not charge the device or connect anything if the connectors are dusty, wet, or damp.

Important: To prevent liquid damage, avoid swimming or bathing with the device, exposing it to pressurized or high velocity water (such as when showering, surfing or jet skiing), using the device in a sauna or steam room, intentionally submerging the device in water, or using the device outside the suggested temperature ranges or in high humidity conditions.

Important: Accessories for use with this device are not as water-resistant as the device itself. For example, chargers should only be used in dry conditions, never when damp or wet.

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