Copy content created by you between your phone and computer.
Copy content between your phone and computer
Press the scroll key and select Settings.
Scroll right to Storage and set USB storage to Enabled.
Connect your phone to a compatible computer with a compatible USB cable.
On your computer, open a file manager, such as Windows Explorer, and browse to your phone. You can see the content stored on your phone and on the memory card, if inserted.
Drag and drop items between your phone and computer.
Upotrebljavamo kolačiće i slične tehnologije kako bismo poboljšali vaš doživljaj i personalizirali oglase. Klikom na „Prihvati sve” prihvaćate upotrebu kolačića i sličnih tehnologija. Svoje postavke možete promijeniti u bilo kojem trenutku odabirom stavke „Postavke kolačića” na dnu web-mjesta. Saznajte više o našem pravilniku o kolačićima.