Learn how to insert the SIM card, memory card, and battery, and how to switch on your phone.
Important: To use this phone, you need a micro-SIM card. If you have a dual-SIM phone, you need a micro-SIM card and a nano-SIM card. Use only original micro and nano-SIM cards. Use of incompatible SIM cards may damage the card or the phone, and may corrupt data stored on the card.
Za upotrebu s ovim uređajem upotrebljavajte samo kompatibilne memorijske kartice. Kartice koje nisu kompatibilne mogu oštetiti karticu i sam uređaj te podatke pohranjene na kartici.
Napomena: Isključite uređaj i iskopčajte punjač i sve ostale uređaje prije uklanjanja kućišta. Izbjegavajte dodirivanje elektroničkih komponenti tijekom mijenjanja poklopaca. Uvijek spremajte i koristite uređaj s pričvršćenim poklopcima.
Press and hold the power key until the phone vibrates.
Open the back cover, remove the battery, and slide the SIM out.
If you have a dual-SIM phone, slide the SIM2 holder to the right and open it up. Remove the nano-SIM, close down the holder, and slide it to the left to lock it in place.
Open the back cover, remove the battery, and pull the memory card out.