Nokia 5.3 user guide

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Nokia 5.3


Google Assistant

Google Assistant is available in selected markets and languages only. Where not available, Google Assistant is replaced by Google Search. Google Assistant can help you search information online, translate words and sentences, make notes and calendar appointments, for example. You can use Google Assistant even when your phone is locked. However, Google Assistant asks you to unlock your phone before accessing your private data.

Uporaba tipke Google Assistant

Da biste pristupili uslugama Google Assistant, koristite tipku Google Assistant na bočnoj strani telefona:

  • Pritisnite tipku jednom za početak rada Google Assistant.
  • Pritisnite i držite tipku za razgovor s Google Assistant. Postavite pitanje i otpustite tipku. Vidite odgovor od Google Assistant na prikazu svog telefona.

Ako vaša zemlja ili regija ne podržava Google Assistant, i dalje možete koristiti tipku Google Assistant:

  • Pritisnite tipku jednom da biste otvorili Google pretraživanje.
  • Pritisnite i držite tipku za upotrebu Google glasovnog pretraživanja. Postavite pitanje i otpustite tipku. Vidite Google odgovor na prikazu svog telefona.
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Korisne poveznice

Ažuriranja softveraCjelovite tehničke značajkeOkolišni profil
  • Redovito ažurirajte svoj telefon
  • Keys and parts
  • Insert the SIM and memory cards
  • Charge your phone
  • Switch on and set up your phone
  • Dual SIM settings
  • Zaključajte ili otključajte svoj telefon
  • Use the touch screen
  • Personalize your phone
  • Notifications
  • Kontrola glasnoće
  • Automatic text correction
  • Google Assistant
  • Battery life
  • Pristupačnost
  • FM Radio

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