Nokia 5.3 user guide

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Nokia 5.3


Use your camera like a pro

Learn about your camera settings

In the Camera app, tap menu to learn more about each setting.

Koristite način Boke uživo

Ako želite promijeniti područje fokusiranja vaše fotografije nakon što ste je snimili, koristite način Boke uživo dok snimate fotografiju.
  1. Dodirnite Kamera.
  2. Dodirnite . Kadrirajte i fokusirajte. Dodirnite okidač photo_camera.
  3. Odaberite fotografiju koju ste upravo snimili; možete je vidjeti u donjem desnom kutu.
  4. Dodirnite Uređivač Bokeh za uređivanje fotografije.

Take a night shot

To take high quality photos at night or under low light circumstances, switch on the Night mode. Tap Camera > Night and follow the instructions on your phone.

Take a wide-angle photo

To take beautiful landscape photos, switch on the wide-angle mode. Tap Camera > . To go back to the normal mode, tap .

Take a macro photo

With the macro mode, you can capture even the tiniest details to your photo.

  1. Tap Camera > .
  2. Tap panorama_fish_eye
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Korisne poveznice

Ažuriranja softveraCjelovite tehničke značajkeOkolišni profil
  • Redovito ažurirajte svoj telefon
  • Keys and parts
  • Insert the SIM and memory cards
  • Charge your phone
  • Switch on and set up your phone
  • Dual SIM settings
  • Zaključajte ili otključajte svoj telefon
  • Use the touch screen
  • Camera basics
  • Videos
  • Use your camera like a pro
  • Vaše fotografije i videozapisi

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