Nokia 5.3 user guide

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Nokia 5.3

Use the touch screen

Important: Avoid scratching the touch screen. Never use an actual pen, pencil, or other sharp object on the touch screen.

Dodirnite i držite za povlačenje stavke

Dodirnite i držite za povlačenje stavke

Stavite prst na stavku nekoliko sekundi i prstom prijeđite preko zaslona.

Prelazak prstom

Prelazak prstom

Stavite prst na zaslon i prstom prijeđite u željenom smjeru.

Pomičite se kroz dugi popis ili izbornik

Pomičite se kroz dugi popis ili izbornik

Kliznite prstom brzo u pokretu gore ili dolje na zaslonu i podignite prst. Da biste zaustavili pomicanje, dodirnite zaslon.

Povećanje ili smanjenje

Povećanje ili smanjenje

Stavite 2 prsta na stavku, kao što je karta, fotografija ili web-mjesto, i razdvojite ili skupite prste.

Zaključajte orijentaciju zaslona

Zaslon se automatski zakreće kada telefon okrenete za 90 stupnjeva.

Za zaključavanje zaslona u portretnom načinu, povucite prstom prema dolje s vrha zaslona i dodirnite Automatska rotacija.

Navigate with gestures

To switch on using gesture navigation, tap Settings > System > Gestures > System navigation > Gesture navigation.

  • To see all your apps, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.
  • To go to the home screen, swipe up from the bottom of the screen. The app you were in stays open in the background.
  • To see which apps you have open, swipe up from the bottom of the screen without releasing your finger until you see the apps, and then release your finger. To switch to another open app, tap the app. To close all the open apps, swipe right through all the apps, and tap CLEAR ALL.
  • To go back to the previous screen you were in, swipe from the right or left edge of the screen. Your phone remembers all the apps and websites you've visited since the last time your screen was locked.

Navigate with keys

To switch on the navigation keys, tap Settings > System > Gestures > System navigation > 3-button navigation.

  • To see all your apps, swipe up the home key radio_button_checked.
  • To go to the home screen, tap the home key. The app you were in stays open in the background.
  • To see which apps you have open, tap stop.
  • To switch to another open app, swipe right and tap the app.
  • To close all the open apps, swipe right through all the apps, and tap CLEAR ALL.
  • To go back to the previous screen you were in, tap . Your phone remembers all the apps and websites you've visited since the last time your screen was locked.
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